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The Animal In Me
This wonderful resource provides IWB support material for the Stage 1 Visual Arts Unit of Work "The Animal In Me" Students represent themselves through drawing and monoprinting. They investigate how shape,texture and line can be used to express ideas about themselves. The students make artworks that include the qualities of animals in representations of themselves. EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL SUBSCRIBERS. For individual purchase, please click HERE
(ACAVAM106), (ACAVAM107), (ACAVAM108), (ACAVAM109)
A Diverse and Connected World
This excellent resource provides IWB support material for the Year 6 Geography Unit of Work "A Diverse and Connected World". Students answer the inquiry questions: 1) How do places, people and cultures differ across the world? 2) What are Australia’s global connections? 3) How do people’s connections to places affect their perception of them? EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL SUBSCRIBERS. For individual purchase, please click HERE
The Language Of Data - Upper Primary
It is so important for students to become familiar with mathematical vocabulary! This wonderful IWB resource reviews the definitions of words associated with data, and then provides opportunities for students to test their knowledge in fun ways!
The Language Of Patterns And Algebra - Upper Primary
It is so important for students to become familiar with mathematical vocabulary! This wonderful IWB resource reviews the definitions of words associated with patterns and algebra.
SWOT Analysis
You've probably used a SWOT Analysis in staff meetings. Why not use it in the classroom? This is a great Thinking Tool template that you will use over and over again.
The Language Of 2D Space - Upper Primary
It is so important for students to become familiar with mathematical vocabulary! This wonderful IWB resource reviews the definitions of words associated with 2D space, and then provides opportunities for students to test their knowledge in fun ways!
Summarising Activities
This awesome IWB resource helps you to explicitly teach the Comprehension Strategy of Summarising. Model activities on the IWB, then touch the PDF icon and print out copies for students to complete independently.
Questioning Activities
This awesome IWB resource helps you to explicitly teach the Comprehension Strategy of Questioning. Model activities on the IWB, then touch the PDF icon and print out copies for students to complete independently.
Predicting Activities
This awesome IWB resource helps you to explicitly teach the Comprehension Strategy of Predicting. Model activities on the IWB, then touch the PDF icon and print out copies for students to complete independently.
Personal And Family Histories
This fantastic IWB resource is designed to SUPPORT the teaching of the Foundation History Unit of Work: Personal and Family Histories. Students learn about their own history and that of their family; this may include stories from different cultures and other parts of the world. EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL SUBSCRIBERS. For individual purchase, please click HERE
Comprehension Think Aloud
A fantastic IWB resource for modelling the comprehension Think Aloud strategy. A wonderful tool for metacognition! Students verbalise their thinking, and categorise their thinking as either a connection, prediction, question, inference, visualisation or summary.
Visualising Activities
This awesome IWB resource helps you to explicitly teach the Comprehension Strategy of Visualising. Model activities on the IWB, then touch the PDF icon and print out copies for students to complete independently.
Making Connections Activities
This awesome IWB resource helps you to explicitly teach the Comprehension Strategy of Making Connections. Model activities on the IWB, then touch the PDF icon and print out copies for students to complete independently.
Symmetry In The Environment
A great IWB resource that reviews symmetry (line symmetry) and helps students to identify symmetry in the environment.
No Mirrors In My Nana's House by Ysaye Barnwell
This fantastic literature study examines the beautiful story and song "No Mirrors In My Nana's House" by Ysaye Barnwell. It utilises some Super Six Comprehension Strategies.
Guji Guji by Chih-Yuan Chen
This terrific literature study examines the story "Guji Guji" by Chih-Yuan Chen. It compares the story to "The Ugly Duckling" and utilises some Super Six Comprehension Strategies.
(ACELY1650), (ACELY1660), (ACELY1670)(ACELY1650), (ACELY1660), (ACELY1670)
Weather and Seasons
This IWB resource has been designed to SUPPORT the teaching of the Stage 1 Geography Unit of Work "Weather". This geographical inquiry process will describe the daily weather and seasons in the local area and their influence on people and their activities.Students will examine the weather and seasons of Kakadu as described by the Aboriginal people of the Larrakia/Gulumoerrgin language group. EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL SUBSCRIBERS. For Individual purchase, please click HERE
Super Six Comprehension Strategies
Explicitly teach your students about the Super Six Comprehension Strategies with this fantastic IWB resource.
The Language Of Position - Upper Primary
It is so important for students to become familiar with mathematical vocabulary! This wonderful IWB resource reviews the definitions of words associated with position, and then provides opportunities for students to test their knowledge in fun ways!
Beat Around The Bush
This fabulous resource provides IWB support for the Stage 1 Visual Arts Unit of Work "Beat Around The Bush. Students investigate a local natural environment and record responses in drawings and photographs. They explore ways of incorporating direct experiences and artist’s interpretations into a new work. EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL SUBSCRIBERS. For individual purchase, please click HERE
(ACAVAR109), (ACAVAM108), (ACAVAM107), (ACAVAM106)
What Doesn't Belong
This delightful IWB resource helps students to sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications.
Long U Spelling Revision
Review three different ways of spelling the long u sound with this fun interactive lesson.
The Language Of 3D Space - Upper Primary
It is so important for students to become familiar with mathematical vocabulary! This wonderful IWB resource reviews the definitions of words associated with 3D space, and then provides opportunities for students to test their knowledge in fun ways!
The Language Of Time - Upper Primary
It is so important for students to become familiar with mathematical vocabulary! This wonderful IWB resource reviews the definitions of words associated with time, and then provides opportunities for students to test their knowledge in fun ways!
Elements Of Visual Literacy - Reading Paths, Focal Point, Salience And Vectors1
Explicitly explore the elements of visual literacy with this engaging IWB lesson. This lesson focuses on the elements of reading path, focal point, salience and vectors.
Exploring Poetry
This fantastic IWB lessons explicitly teaches students strategies to use to interpret and analyse poems, focusing on inferring meaning, looking at text structures and language features. Explore 3 different poems!
Multiplication Think Board
This great IWB resource provides students with the opportunity to explore multiplication in four different ways. Perfect for modelling.
Me, Myself, I
This excellent resource provides IWB support material for the Foundation/ES1 Visual Arts Unit of Work "Me, Myself, I". Students investigate how artists depict people in portraits, with a focus on self-portraiture.EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE TO SCHOOL SUBSCRIBERS. For individual purchase, please click HERE
(ACAVAM106), (ACAVAM107), (ACAVAM108), (ACAVAM109)
Can You Make This Number
A fantastic IWB resource that can be used with all age groups. Stretch your students' thinking muscles and have fun while you get an insight into how their minds work!